Todays Rate: March 04, 2024 1 BTC to Naira: Bitcoin to Naira Exchange Rates for March 2024

Here is a more detailed analysis of the BTC to NGN exchange rate for the last 5 days:

- Feb 24, 2024: The exchange rate for 1 BTC to NGN was 82,908,973.65. This represents a slight increase from the previous day's rate.

- Feb 23, 2024: The rate stood at 81,672,445.18 NGN per BTC, showing a marginal decrease compared to the rate on Feb 24.

- Feb 22, 2024: The exchange rate was 82,544,102.04 NGN for 1 BTC, indicating a slight increase from the rate on Feb 23.

- Feb 21, 2024: The rate was 83,401,859.97 NGN per BTC, showing a slight decrease compared to the rate on Feb 22.

- Feb 20, 2024: The exchange rate stood at 84,050,375.67 NGN for 1 BTC, indicating a slight decrease from the rate on Feb 21.

Overall, the exchange rate for BTC to NGN has been relatively stable over the past 5 days, with minor fluctuations observed.


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