Google May Shut Down Gmail ? Google Confirms Gmail is Here to Stay, Dismissing Shutdown Rumors


In response to a viral hoax tweet claiming the platform would halt its email feature, Google has asserted that Gmail is not shutting down. The tech giant, under its parent company Alphabet, has not issued any official statements announcing a Gmail shutdown affecting its 1.8 billion users.

The hoax originated from a screenshot circulating on social media platforms, alleging that Google plans to phase out Gmail entirely by the end of this year. The screenshot, which gained over 1 million views, claimed that Gmail would cease facilitating the sending, receiving, or storing of emails, starting August 1.

Titled “Why Gmail Is Sunsetting,” the screenshot outlined Google’s alleged shift in focus towards developing communication technologies and platforms. However, Google has clarified that Gmail is here to stay, dispelling the hoax.

This incident serves as a reminder to verify information before spreading it, especially when it comes to rumors about popular services like Gmail. Google continues to provide its email service, and users can expect Gmail to remain a key part of Google's suite of services in the foreseeable future.

Check out Google recent notice on shutting down Gmail Rumors 

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